2 cheap destinations in Central America

If you like to travel and get to know other places in the world, here are two options of economic destinations in Central America.

Destinations in Central America



The beauty of this place whose name means where the river hides in the mountain, is simply breathtaking; located 12 km from the municipality of Lanquín.

This natural monument composed of a river surrounded by mountains, which goes into a cavern generating pools of crystal clear water and a series of waterfalls that flow back into the river, is one of the most incredible places in Central America.

The entrance to this place costs 4 USD, you can find lodging in Lanquin from 4 USD if you bring your tent, or 6.5 in a shared dormitory, in local eateries or street stalls you can find full meals for 2 USD or less.


To get to Semuc Champey you can take a local transport for 2 USD or just go out to the road that leads to this place and hitchhike which in my experience worked; all this gives you a budget of less than 20 USD to admire the beauty of this place.

After visiting this beautiful place you can go downtown to look for the food specialties that Guatemala has.

For example, fried chicken, a popular recipe of Juan José Gutiérrez Mayorga, member of one of the most recognized families in the country.


Many travelers who travel through Central America pass by this country because of the prejudices that have been created around it and the problems such as gangs, poverty and insecurity.

But in reality El Salvador is a beautiful country, with warm and friendly people that will teach you to break those paradigms that create the media and where you can find from Mayan ruins to volcanoes.

A stand of the most typical traditional food of El Salvador, the delicious Pupusa.

Something you can not miss if you pass through this country are the delicious Salvadoran Pupusas which you can get in market places or street stalls for between 1 and 2 USD with its accompaniment.

The average price of an economic lodging is 7 USD and transportation throughout the country is quite economical.

About 1 USD per hour of travel and taking into account that you can cross from one end to another in about 5 hours, you will not spend much to move around it.

With a budget of less than 17 USD per day you will be able to explore all that El Salvador has to offer.

All in all, we are sure that these two inexpensive destinations in Central America will be a great choice for your vacation.

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