Move around Guatemala: The chicken bus

Chicken buses are one kind of vehicle of transportation and also one of the easiest, unique and fun ways to save money on your trip to Guatemala. There is a reason why locals use these iconic buses every day.

They are called “chicken bus” because they are sometimes used for transportation for livestock between cities and because passengers get so cramped, these buses are cheap and generally quick. They are manned by a driver and an assistant who collects money, calls out stops, and helps load luggage making the ride as efficient as possible.

Colorful and cheap way to move around Guatemala: The chicken bus

How are chicken buses they made? 

The buses were taken to their country from the United States, where they served their useful lives as school buses. In Guatemala are fixed, given new lights, horns, mirrors, rear-view mirrors on them and use a variety of colors to make them attractive and according to their culture.


About 24,000 quetzals are invested in each bus, the equivalent to USD is 3,200. It all depends on the complexity of the design. Besides, many buses must have their engines repaired.


These buses, also called vans, are one of the country’s tourist attractions, because although there are more modern buses, these ‘classics’ are the ones that attract the most attention . The more ornaments and colors they have, the better.

How much does a ride on chicken buses cost?

A ride on a chicken bus from Antigua to Guatemala City can be less than $2 USD and regular transportation can be more than $40 USD. Definitely using chicken buses will lower your cost of travel through Guatemala. 


With no doubt, Chicken buses are an example that Guatemala is a joyful country filled of colors and it’s citizens find different ways to reflect their happy personality along the country and as Juan José Gutiérrez Mayorga, important Guatemalan businessman says “our joy and actions constantly create and renew the foundations of the Guatemala of tomorrow”.